530 591-2264

We have grown our own beef and small garden for years. We are building a rose garden with a small Koi pond to enjoy our dinners in the open air and to entertain our friends. The vegetable garden has began to to grow in size, and so has our canning and freezing. The latest addition to our ranch is a pair of Tamworth piglets.
Over the years this 22 acre ranch has transformed into many different uses and has had a lot of different animals live out their lives here,  domestic along with wildlife. Our hay field has been pasture for cattle, then winter oats, and now pasture for grazing the Tamworth pigs.
Our pigs will also get the extra garden vegetables. When the season is over they will have the run of the garden to eat left over vegetables, plants and bugs. In return we will get a clean, rototilled, fertilized garden and TASTY pork for the next year.
In the near future we would like to offer Tamworth butcher hogs to you. The pastures and garden will continue to grow to allow for more butcher hogs to be raised.
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